2015 NDNY-FCBA Membership

Published: November 12, 2014

The NDNY-Federal Court Bar Association is accepting enrollment applications for the 2015 membership year. 2015 Membership covers the calendar year, January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015.

Click on the online enrollment link below, or complete and submit the 2015 Dues Statement. Click on member benefits for more information on what benefits the NDNY-FCBA membership offers in addition to free NDNY-FCBA CLE sponsored programming for the enrollment year.

Membership dues for 2015 are $75.00 and payment may be made to NDNY-FCBA, Inc., P.O. Box 7067, Syracuse, NY 13261-7067. Dues are payable by January 1, 2015. Our 2015 calendar is filling quickly and events will be posted on our website as they are confirmed. Please join us! If you have membership questions, please email: [email protected]. If you have ideas for CLE programming or have been to a CLE program which or would like to volunteer to present a CLE, please contact the Administrative Director at [email protected].